Selected publications and outputs using the ACEs in EHRs library.

Adverse childhood experiences in firstborns and mental health risk and health-care use in siblings

Adverse childhood experiences in firstborns and mental health risk and health-care use in siblings

Children are nearly three-quarters (71%) more likely to develop mental health problems between the ages of five and 18, if the firstborn child in their family experienced adversity during their first….

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ACAMH Seminar - Interrelationships between parental mental health, intimate partner violence and child mental health – implications for practice (recording)

ACAMH Seminar - Interrelationships between parental mental health, intimate partner violence and child mental health

Watch our recent ACAMH presentation of our publication exploring clinically relevant family adversity indicators of IPV aimed at improving responses to affected families presenting to healthcare…

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Family adversity and health characteristics associated with intimate partner violence

Clinical characteristics of families affected by intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a violation against human rights that affects millions of women worldwide. One in three women experiences IPV, translating to over 800 million women globally…

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State of the art review: indicators of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence

State of the art review: indicators of child maltreatment and intimate partner violence

Intimate partner violence (IPV) and child maltreatment (CM) are forms of family violence that often go unnoticed by services, despite recommendations to improve monitoring efforts by the World Health Organization (WHO)..

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Publication list

Adverse childhood experiences in firstborns and mental health risk and health-care use in siblings: a population-based birth cohort study of half a million children in England

Family adversity and health characteristics associated with intimate partner violence in children and parents presenting to health care: a population-based birth cohort study in England

Association of interparental violence and maternal depression with depression among adolescents at the population and individual level

Identifying adverse childhood experiences with electronic health records of linked mothers and children in England: a multistage development and validation study

An external validation of coding for childhood maltreatment in routinely collected primary and secondary care data

Predictive value of indicators for identifying child maltreatment and intimate partner violence in coded electronic health records: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Leveraging administrative data to better understand and address child maltreatment: a scoping review of data linkage studies

Association of pregnancy-specific alcohol policies with infant morbidities and maltreatment

The risk of COVID-19 in survivors of domestic violence and abuse

The measurement of intimate partner violence using International Classification of Diseases diagnostic codes: a systematic review

Are children who are home from school at an increased risk of child maltreatment?

Association between health indicators of maternal adversity and the rate of infant entry to local authority care in England: a longitudinal ecological study

Causes of death up to 10 years after admissions to hospitals for self-inflicted, drug-related or alcohol-related, or violent injury during adolescence: a retrospective, nationwide, cohort study**

Violence, self-harm and drug or alcohol misuse in adolescents admitted to hospitals in England for injury: a retrospective cohort study

10-y Risks of Death and Emergency Re-admission in Adolescents Hospitalised with Violent, Drug- or Alcohol-Related, or Self-Inflicted Injury: A Population-Based Cohort Study

Dr Shabeer Syed, Clinical Psychologist & Senior Research Associate